Poet’s Corner: Old Man Winter

1 min read

Old Man Winter…is Dead
by Greg Zemlansky

‘Old Man Winter’ is tired…He longs to lie

down in the arms of ‘Spring’;

among the sweet, ripening flowers that

‘Mother Nature’ will bring.

The flowers that were covered and entombed

beneath the snow;

now pushing through the darkness to bid the

‘Spring’ “Hello”.

The sun fires-up with all cylinders blazing


The dark clouds of snow will begin to cry


The trees feeling no icy embrace; Winter is


‘Mother Nature’ is calling out for everything

to bloom.

Can you hear the last grasping breath of “old

Man Winter’;

as he loses his cool and starts to melt away

with a whimper.

The Maple trees sap is running full steam


as the warm winds announcing ‘Old Man

Winter’ is dead!

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1 Comment

  1. Greg,

    Wonderful Poem.

    Congratulations on such colorful imagery.

    I could visualize “the physical” tired old man winter failing so frail and weak into the strong and caring arms of the young and beautiful spring maiden.

    You completed the “circle of life” and managed to very skillfully kill off old man winter so that the young and vibrant spring of “mother nature” could be born

    Well Done !!!

    Keep writing Greg and entertaining us with your gifted imagery

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