The Mrs. Turcotte Read Aloud Challenge completed

3 mins read
Betsy Turcotte
Betsy Turcotte

Since Mallett School’s amazing and wonderful librarian, Betsy Turcotte, is retiring at the end of this school year, a small book has been in the works by the Daily Bulldog’s readers over the last few weeks. The collaboration is to celebrate Turcotte’s work in the school system. When completed, each page of the book will be made up of a four-line stanza that were submitted by contributors here. Students at Mallet School will illustrate the book.

Below is the final read aloud verses made for Mrs. Turcotte from all the submissions posted here on the Daily Bulldog. Fantastic job everyone! – Kenny Brechner

The Mrs. Turcotte Read Aloud Book

Mallett School library has
Such a wonderful feel
Mrs. Turcotte knows how to make
A place with appeal!

She greets with a smile,
She always has time.
When we ask for a book,
She comes up with nine!

We head down the hallway racing to find
What new worlds might be waiting
What new friends we might meet
When our class had gathered at Mrs. Turcotte’s feet

She always greets us with a big smile
and with a book in her hand
We get transported into a magical land
all because Mrs. Turcotte is so grand.

We read some good books
With the nicest librarian
Then we pick out the best books
We leave her library with the most excited looks!

So today we were squirming with excitement
for the new book this week.
I spotted the cover and
was tempted to just take a peek.

Billy was poking Sally with his shoe
Brianna was giggling with Mary Lou
Tom fiddling with the zipper on his sweatshirt
But when Mrs. Turcotte opened the book in her hand

We were suddenly aware that
Mrs. Turcotte was not the one perched in her chair.
In her place, a bookworm, looking quite stern:
“You’ll need to read up if you want her return!”

There will not be another as special as she,
Mrs. Turcotte’s dedication has inspired many,
Who will be her “permanent substitute” you ask?
THAT search will be a tough, tough task.

There’s no one quite like her
She’s special, she’s fun!
And she’s always been here to assist everyone.

The Mallett Poetry Picnic was fun!
The work that went into it, must have been a ton!
Mrs. Turcotte leaving us just won’t be fun.

Mrs. Turcotte’s so great
She knows everyone’s name
I nominate her for…
Mallett’s Hall of Fame!

Absolutely, we said!
And the bookworm’s smile came through
just keep reading and sharing books it said
And Mrs. Turcotte will too.

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  1. There are only a few teachers (including librarians) that I remember from 17 years of education. Those that I do left a deep impression and their words and actions had a lasting effect. I’m (way) too old for Betsy to be one of those people for me, but from what I know of her I bet she has been one of those people for many, many Franklin County schoolchildren.

    Yay Betsy!

  2. Betsy, wonderful person, also does greatwork for the library here in New Vineyard, i know the kids love her

    Funny we didn’t even have a library in Boston when i was in school. we had a bookmobile that came every couple of weeks.

    enjoy your retirement Betsy


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