
Wilton Selectboard approves new cemetery maintenance position

2 mins read
Wilton Selectboard members met Tuesday night. (Town Manager Rhonda Irish, Jeff Rowe, Jeff Adams, Tiffany Maiuri, John Black, Ruth Cushman, Town Clerk Diane Dunham)

WILTON – Last night’s Selectboard meeting covered a town cemetery maintenance proposal, discussion of a new trust fund for the cemetery.

The board approved a new full time Highway Department position for the maintenance of the town’s cemeteries. The position will cover care of the cemeteries, with additional work for the Highway Department during the off season or on days of bad weather. Board members commented that the position should allow the town to have more supervision over the care of the cemeteries, especially during times of year with increased visibility due to high traffic.

Start up costs were approved at $35,000 to be used for the purchase of mowers, blowers and a used truck and trailer. Money from the Cemetery Trust Fund will be used for the expenses.

“We should be able to pay the mowers off within three years and if they are treated right, extend their life another four or five years. That’s where we’ll save our money,” Selectman John Black said.

In other cemetery news, the approval of establishing a new trust fund has been granted in order to simplify tracking the funds. Previously the funds were scattered between various accounts and were proving difficult to keep organized. The new trust fund, dedicated solely to money for the cemeteries, will provide a simpler route of management.

“I think it’s a really good idea. Not only when it comes to management but also looking at the stability of the funds,” Selectboard Chair Tiffany Maiuri said.


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  1. Excellent plan to assure proper maintenance of the town’s historic graveyards in the coming years. A huge “plus” is eliminating possible damage to headstones from “lowest bid” contractors!

  2. Thanks for putting some “teeth” into the perpetual care of the Wilton cemetaries.

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