Letter to the Editor: Abandonment of Paris Climate Agreement unwise

1 min read

Our nation’s integrity will be reduced by our abandoning the rest of the world as they work for our benefit through the Paris Climate Agreement.

Undeniably, our handling or mishandling of our God-given resources affects people worldwide including every breath that you and I take.

Roger Condit

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  1. Our nation has been taking care of the rest of the world long enough… It is time for them to look after themselves without our $$$$.

  2. Except the Paris agreement doesn’t require us giving money to the rest of the world. And we really haven’t been taking care of the rest of the world anyway, that’s a myth. The US refused to abide by the earlier Kyoto accords, and the Europeans shrugged and met the goals of Kyoto anyway. This meant economic and technological growth, which was good for the European economies – proving that the claim that it would hurt the economy was demonstrably false.

    Now the world looks at the US as sort of a declining state, with unstable leadership and an inability to work with others. China and the EU are moving forward on Paris, as the Europeans shift from being closely allied with the US to better ties with China. Meanwhile, China has the capacity to cause economic collapse in the US because they’ve been financing our debt. If they just refused to finance more debt, we’d be in trouble. If they shifted dollars to Euros in foreign currencies, or dumped American bonds that they hold, it could also create severe economic hardship in the US. 20 years ago that was unlikely since they needed us as customers. Now they’ve diversified their customer base and the US is losing importance as a market.

    So the rest of the world doesn’t really need us as much as we need them. We’ve got extremely high debt — about 350% of GDP. That isn’t just government debt, it’s also private and corporate debt, which is even more out of control than government debt. So when we turn our back on the rest of the world trying to solve a common problem, we’re setting ourselves up for more trouble and potentially severe economic consequences.

  3. I agree Scott, debt is killing the U.S. And I think a large part of this is due to the American culture has shifted to a buy cheap consumerism base from a roll up the shirt sleeves and dig folk.
    Just look at the education system now, debt oozing from K through College graduation. I am really not seeing a mass of well educated hard working people being produced.
    Just keep borrowing and spending is not the answer. Hard work and discipline, with a lot of whining and crying is the only way out of our current economic hole.
    As far as pollution, good luck supplying the world with all the products demanded with ” green organic ” facilities.
    Not with this global population.

  4. The Paris Climate Agreement is/was the biggest pyramid scheme scam con job ever perpetrated on the whole of mankind. If you believe otherwise then you are a fool! The US has done more for the global environment than any other country combined and will continue to do so without the Paris Blackmail Agreement. We have already cut carbon emissions by 12% since 2006. This agreement was just a way to weaken the US economy to a point that made it easier to bring us to heel under global tyranny. That is a fact! Good riddance!!!

  5. There’s a better way: A conservative economic plan that’s worked as promised for the past eight years, cutting emissions, taxes and energy bills in British Columbia (The Economist). In the US, it’s projected to create over 5 million good-paying, permanent (40-year) jobs (Stanford University’s solutions project.org). Climate change aside, carbon pollution kills over 200,000 American jobs (MIT.edu) and cost Americans over $866.5 billion annually (Forbes). Climate change has cost Americans over $1 trillion (NOAA).

    The plan is called “carbon fee-and-dividend,” a carbon tax that’s paid TO every taxpayers in equal monthly “carbon dividend” checks. It financially rewards those who switch to clean energy and that will increase out GDP $75-80 billion annually. See the Citizens Climate Lobby to see how it works. There’s also a video, “A Climate Solution Where All Sides work from the Republican group, Climate Leadership Council”

    This plan has massive economic benefits. It will create a multi-trillion-dollar clean-energy economy. It uses conservative economics (market forces rather than government regulations) so what member of Congress wouldn’t support that?

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