Letter to the Editor: Fire and fury

3 mins read

There have been five major extinctions charted through the geological record. That the sixth extinction awaits somewhere in the future is not a question but fact. Whether that event results from an asteroid impacting the earth or the moon; or the sun boiling away our atmosphere leaving the earth like its sister planet Mars; or a cataclysmic volcanic event … The question is not if, but when and how.

There is a new scenario to add to the mix. 3.2 million years ago, a creature came down from the trees and found it could grasp a stick in its tactile hands and beat the brains out of other animals and creatures like itself.

The 1.6 percent genetic difference between human and its closest relative in the great ape family allowed development of a creature that has been able to bring most animal groups to the verge of extinction, destroy the rain forest, pollute the rivers and lakes and oceans of the world and contaminate the very air that sustains life on earth.

Because of the small population, the earth was able to adjust to man’s destruction for 3 million years. Then in the early 1900s, only 100 years ago, the population of man exceeded one billion: 30 years later 2 billion, 30 years later 4 billion … 5 billion, 6 billion, 7 billion; and by 2050 the world human population is charted to reach 9 billion. The ability of the earth to support the consumption of food, water and natural resources required by this human virus is finite.

Only 70 years ago, in the 1940s, man traded the stick in his hand for a nuclear bomb. Now instantaneous mass destruction brought on by human error or madness is possible.

For 60 years the sanest among the race have held the reigns on nuclear destruction while building a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying the entire earth seven times over.

The fear has always been that at some point in the future this power would fall into the hands of a person or persons unstable enough to pull the trigger: fire and fury like the world has never seen.

Seventy-two years later, and on the anniversary of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we have two psychotic narcissists being goaded by their minions to unleash Shiva the destroyer of worlds – not understanding that the world they will destroy is their own.

Wm Gilliland

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  1. Well said, William. Still have old cave in backyard. Just need food for after big bang. All welcome. Bring catsup.

  2. Ahhhh,,, the perfect utopia we all desire seems to have eluded the “masses” through all the years of human history up to this point. Yes,,,there is much evil in the world.

    I hear a compassion in this article,,,but at the same time it strikes me as just another jab at a hated politician or two. So be it.

    We can choose our “dwelling place”,,,even in the midst of all this chaos and “wrong”.

    We can choose to entangle ourselves in the cares of and the fixing of this “world”.

    We can choose our dwelling place with the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

    Perfect Peace is possible and ours for the asking,,,even now.

    Hey,,,what fo we have to lose,,,,right.

  3. North Korea cannot launch a missile that will reach the United States.
    (1) They are using liquid rocket fuel and in order to sustain a launch for
    the time needed to reach the US they would have to use solid rocket fuel which at the present time they do not possess
    (2) They are only using a two stage missile launch. Again in order to reach
    the US they would need a third stage rocket and use solid rocket fuel. The
    third stage would put the missile (with a nuke warhead, which they do not have at present) into orbit allowing them to cross great distance.
    (3) The guidance system for that entire package would have to be very sophisticated to be accurate and at the present time they do not have this ability. Ignore the ‘Fake News’ scaring the public on this issue. Our President needs to watch Korea very closely for signs of further advancement toward solid rocket fuel acquisition. That event would be alarming.

  4. Mr. Gilliland, Those same humans whom you so eloquently fear to be the death of this brilliant blue world are the same ones that created all the good we and most certainly you, have come to cherish. Ancestral peoples across the globe found solace in the simple knowledge of and confidence in celestial consistencies so much so as to spend their limited energies to align massive stone guideposts as markers for their future offspring. Great legacies of human endeavor endure in a 9th Symphony, The Maltese Falcon, Notre Dame, Michelangelo’s Pieta, Microchips & this “American Experiment” of ours. Yes, our legacies also include dark times of which we aren’t proud. Human greatness has been and still will be judged by how well great men & women bring courage, calm, rationality and compassion to bear in times of great fear. As you fear,,. now may be such a time. Rather than succumb to it, lets be some of those ancestral humans eager to leave the same guideposts for our offspring by aligning these massive forces who are possibly currently unable to see with the same clarity as we. Also ketchup is delish.

  5. Mr. G… do not fear the ‘sixth extinction’,,,, The way of life that we have been enjoying is being destroyed rather rapidly by the crap that is going on today… Don’t send me any ketchup… I going out and enjoying another pizza and beer while it is still available before the upcoming civil war..

  6. The President of North Korea heads a criminal organization that makes money by selling military equipment. He won’t start a war, but benefits from the bombast, protecting the sovereignty that allows him and his cronies to keep making money.

    The President of the US is a con man over his head, leading a country that is rapidly declining as a world power, losing influence and being ignored. Sadly, North Korea has the more competent leader. Both are corrupt and lack morality. But I don’t think either will choose nuclear war. Hopefully.

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