Letter to the Editor: Give bikes three feet

2 mins read

I’m a Farmington resident and a father. I’m also a bicyclist. I ride my bike to do errands around town and with friends to stay fit. Our roads in Franklin County are for everyone, not just those in cars.

The people we see out on the road walking, biking, and using wheelchairs are our neighbors. They deserve to be treated fairly and equally by drivers, just as drivers expect and deserve to be respected by them.

My hope is that by being considerate drivers we can make Farmington a place where people can safely bike to a friend’s house, to church, school, work, or the grocery store.

Maine law requires drivers to give at least three feet of space when passing a bicyclist. If three feet can’t be given, drivers must wait for a safer place to pass. In Maine it is legal to cross a double yellow line to pass a bicyclist if there is no oncoming traffic. It shouldn’t be too much to ask that drivers wait until it is safe to pass a bicyclist before they continue on their way.

Remember when you’re driving – that person you see on a bike could be on their way to see meet child, parent, or spouse. Please be kind when passing bicyclists – give them three feet and you’ll be to doing your part to get them home safely to their loved ones.

Nicholas Citriglia

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  1. Great reminder but please also remind cyclists that they are responsible for laws also just the same as other vehicles

  2. Yes, good reminder for those asking drivers to share the road to remember that while the law states vehicles give cyclists three feet. Cyclists need to obey the laws as well. They also don’t need to act like they own the road either.

  3. If you want to play chicken with cars…
    You will more than likely be dead right.

    You might want to use your head for more than a place to hang your helmet..
    But it’s a free country so…..

  4. Submitted with apologies for a somewhat discounted two cent worth of jaw flap and nonanonymous drivel

    Maine has one the most highly recognized bicycling advocacy organizations in the country


    In Brunswick (I think or recall) a couple of years ago two cyclists noted the tag number of a motorist passing < three feet of them, reported it to the authorities who took their statement, located the motorist and gave the motorists a summons/citation for violating the three foot pass rule AND on the officer's own volition added a charge in the nature of an assault of some sort and probably told the driver to "have a nice day!"

  5. These roads are so terrible for cyclists what with no breakdown lanes and soft shoulders. The same goes for pedestrians. Slow down and give them some space.

  6. Just an observation… I was on route 2 on the new pavement, a bicyclist was riding on the new pavement forcing vehicles over causing vehicles in opposite lane of the edge of the new pavement….the shoulders are still paved!! U reap what you sow…

  7. Chuckie, I didn’t race against Lance twice, I guess that makes my opinion of less value than yours, of course I didn’t lose twice against him either ….

    My point being, if you want the general motorist public to respect you and actually obey the law, try following it your selves.

    I agree with ‘dead right’, just because you have the right of way, doesn’t necessarily mean you are safe. Pedestrians have the right of way in crossed walkways, does that mean you should cross without looking?

  8. It is very annoying when bicyclists pass me on the right in an intersection where traffic is slow. They don’t worry about giving me three feet clearance. And they are difficult to spot coming up on me sometimes.

  9. My dear fellow citizen “Franklinite”

    The main advantage that I have over you opinion wise is that everyone what wants their two sense, common or otherwise back is that they know who to ask for a refund or to complain about

    As to my two adventures with Mr Armstrong I wood submit that it was something less than a fair fight age wise, there really should have been an AARP+ category

    The competition was a triathlon where in Mr Armstrong did prevail overall both of two successive years butt I did win my age group the second year……………………………..I also had a better time than a lot of girls!

  10. Thank you, Nick, for your letter to the editor…and to all residents of Farmington and surrounding communities for your comments…..please, can we all not let this topic become another debate forum dealing with people’s intelligence or lack thereof, as was the school budget. I am wondering if I comment on shoppers at our local stores not parking their carts in the provided corrals how many people would feel the need to debate THAT issue…just sayin’

  11. To Cathy Decker. This is one of my pet peeves. leaving shopping carts way out in the parking area instead on giving them the shove that they need to push them into the corrals.

  12. Cathy Decker makes a good point

    I thought that Nicholas Citriglia’s letter was well articulated in all regards and I was hoping that it would elicit somewhat of a positive conversation re bicycling in the general area given the recognition that the Bicycle Coalition of Maine has brought to Maine as a Bicycling Friendly State

    When we’re in town we always have our bicycles with us for around town travel and side trips

    While Farmington is not necessarily central to big time bicycling tourist routes I am aware of many that have ridden through on the way to Canada and loops elsewhere

    I try and keep active with my personal bicycling activities which is bicycle camping in addition to general bicycling

    I really have given up on the prospect of beating Lance Armstrong which “Franklinite” painfully reminded me of
    My therapist say he will schedule another session for me or I could just go for a ride and get over it

  13. Followed a bicyclist allllllllll the way from Franklin Savings Bank to the lights at the park n ride in Farmington. The light was red, so I stopped but the cyclist proceeded through the light and finally up onto the sidewalk. What law prohibits that?
    BTW….I hate shopping carts in parking places…..I also hate people parking close to my vehicle and dinging my doors up!

  14. Pay excise tax like most of us have to for the privilege of using taxpayer funded roads and then try your complaint again. Until then I equate it to my beloved dog being hit by a car; sad but I was not being responsible enough….

  15. It wouldn’t be the DB comment section that we all know and love without someone talking about being a tax payer. Lets toss in a THANKS OBAMA for good measure.

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