Letter to the Editor: Gratitude for RSU 9

2 mins read

When my son was a little boy, he fractured common idioms. Now, 47 years old he will sometimes still come up with adaptations that make his sister and me smile at how he “sees” the world. For example, he would admonish me to not “jump INTO a conclusion”. I could almost see that dark black deep hole and I’d back away from the abyss to give him time to make his point.

This week, I found myself jumping straight down INTO a conclusion as I tried to help a student from Starks with Internet access issues. I fear that I confused my role as family friend of the student with my role as a member of the Board of Directors. Despite the clumsy effort I launched with an email, my concerns were politely and thoroughly heard.

I’ll fracture the “come to find out” idiom…because in that call yesterday, I “CAME to find out…” that a student’s ability to advocate for her/his own needs is recognized and appreciated. I learned that all concerned were concerned and had been assiduously working on effective interim solutions.

I am writing to express my gratitude publicly as a citizen of Starks to the team of administrators, professional staff, parents and students of Mt. Blue RSD9 for their team effort in so many areas during this pandemic.

Please know that our administrators and educators are doing an amazing job even with all the inadequacies that they encounter. I am grateful.

We all can help all of our students by continuing to work towards more affordable and accessible broadband in our quite special and quite rural part of Maine.

Carol R Coles

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