Letter to the Editor: Incentives misplaced with healthcare system

2 mins read

The failure of the US House of Representatives to pass a bill replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) after promising to do so for the past seven years should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the current health care landscape. Repealing is easy, replacing is hard because the system is incredibly complicated and no matter what you do somebody is going to lose.

I am writing to urge people regardless of political affiliation who believe that every person deserves to have comprehensive, affordable health care to come together to elect representatives who are committed to the same principle. Bernie Sanders has proposed expanding Medicare to everyone, which seems like a good place to start but does not address the underlying problems of the system that increase costs and distort the economy.

An example of an underlying problem of the healthcare system is that the incentives are misplaced so free market principles do not work well. Providers get paid and insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers make money when you are sick, not when you are well. A better system would start when you are born and provide incentives when you are well by delivering the optimum amount of services in the same way that a farmer takes care of his crops so that they deliver the desired harvest.

Changing the health care system is hard and will require fortitude, understanding and integrity on the part of our elected representatives but it is critical because the current system is unsustainable.

Edward Miller

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  1. What I have never understood is how a working person can’t or hardly can afford health insurance and the non working seem to easily be taken care of by our wonderful state – In other words we pay for those who do not work and in return we can’t pay for ourselves?? Seems so unfair!!

  2. What a concept! A system to keep you well (or at least minimize lack of care)! Well said, Edward Miller!

    “A better system would start when you are born and provide incentives when you are well by delivering the optimum amount of services in the same way that a farmer takes care of his crops so that they deliver the desired harvest.”

  3. The USA is not a socialist country. Many would like it to be so however we are not and for good reasons. We are a free market nation, goods and services are sold, thus is he basis of how we do business and how we are employed. Health care is not a right. Emergency health care has been offered gratis to those in need who cannot or will not pay for it. The slippery slope of everything being for free is a socialist concept pushed by liberal politicians who have become overly comfortable with spending others money. If you pay for health insurance care or receive it from your employment you should be staunchly opposed to the socialist concept. It spells a drastic increase in costs for those of us paying for services. Maine has become a welfare mecca under years of liberal leadership in Augusta. We have African refugees coming to our state for the sole purpose of availing themselves of our generous and instantly available assistance. This concept is wrong for Maine and it will destroy our future. Spiraling welfare and education costs cripple our ability to attract business. Our kids leave Maine to settle in more tax equitable communities. Old folks do the 181 day thing in Florida for the same reason. Free stuff for everyone is not a sustainable model for Maine and it never will be. Pay heed to any politicians telling you how you are going to get affordable anything, nothing is free, hold onto your wallet folks.

  4. Thank you, Chris Davis, for 2 very helpful links.

    “What is single payer?” and ” Single Payer Legislation vs. Affordable Care Act”.

  5. We already have two (2) examples of “socialized medicine” in this country, the VA and IHS (Indian Health Service) Services are administered to patients by employees (doctors?) at facilities owned by the respective “agencies” Both negotiate with drug companies which SSA doesn’t/cant

    A single payer system ain’t socialized medicine (really!) It ain’t free either, it is health care that is paid for through the existing tax plan (The insurance industry hates it!)

  6. In other words, Peter is saying, “I got mine, and the hell with the rest of you.” Because he knows that if you are not wealthy it is simply because you are just lazy, or stupid. Or both. So, if you get sick or injured — just die and go away. Or become so incapacitated that you absolutely cannot work, and become a further burden on others. If we are a Christian country, as so many conservatives espouse, then we ought to be looking out for those less fortunate, correct?

  7. Hey chief, as you say ” got mine”, I work for it and I have since I was 17. Nothing is free in our world my friend. Your approach seems to be “what’s mine is yours”. Not happening chief especially seeing as our state is awash in give away programs, welfare entitlements and all those claiming to be victims worth of all things free. Mainers are better than this, we respect hard work and detest freeloaders. If you choose to be a slacker, expect some pushback. I see welfare slugs out ridding their machines when I’m working. I’m particularly disturbed by the newest victims, drug addicts that are now expecting their special free ride. Want to take care of the heroin addicts, move them into your house and support them. Christian thing to do, right. It appears the libs in Augusta want to use the money for the disabled and elderly to support the felons. Like I previously mentioned, working mainers that are carrying the load are tapped out and we aren’t taking it anymore. In case you missed it, Governor Lepage supports welfare reduction as does president Trump. Both individuals weren’t elected by mistake, what does that tell you. Have a good night and stay safe in the storm.

  8. While it may seem like you will not paying for other people’s healthcare if we’re running some kind of free market system, it’s not true because when people go to the hospital they need to be taken care of and if they can’t pay their bills then those costs are spread out to everyone else. So we all pay, no matter what. The solution is to make sure everyone gets decent healthcare from birth so that people don’t end up in the hospital with preventable emergencies that cost an outrageous amount of money. The US pays more on health care than other advanced countries and we have less to show for it. You can call it socialism if you want to. I don’t care what you call it but everyone needs access to good healthcare. I’ve lived in two countries with universal health care and it was very convenient. I’d rather have my tax dollars go towards healthcare than building a ridiculous wall and spending more money on guns and such.

  9. Ruth,

    We aren’t a socialist nation. We do get emergency (only) health care upon presentation. Thus why Mexicans come to the US and present themselves at childbirth. Do you realize we originally did this to aid victims of shipwrecks. Yes it was the right thing to do in the day. We also offered citizenship to orphans that survived shipwrecks on our shores. That was the intents of the laws that morphed into the disaster we have today whereas illegals of all manner present themselves in places like CA and demand service from hospitals. This is the real reason we pay so much for non-citizen health care. Add to this welfare nation and their kids that demand all manner of medical support from hard working Americans. At what point do we say enough is enough? We can’t charge the employed for all the unemployed and survive. It’s frequently said, “let the rich pay”, only thing is there aren’t enoug rich folks left to fill the balance. Ben Franklin said, “the more you encourage poverty, the more you will get of it”. If you know slackers that refuse to work because they don’t have to, consider suggesting they get off the dole and start pulling their fair share of the load. Maine isn’t going change in the foresable future, nor is the US. Might be a good time to move in a more productive direction. Have a good night and be safe.

  10. My God, Pete, both those guys were absolutely elected by mistake. Big mistakes. and while you are at it, try walking in some of those less fortunate folks shoes. There are some slackers as you say, but a lot of these folks are just as hard working as you are. Try living on $8 an hour and see how it works for you — and after the voters appropriately approved a higher more livable wage that great “Constitutionalist” Le page wants to usurp the will of the voters, and his right wing lackeys are trying to legislate these results and other voter approved results into oblivion. And, by the way — look how great the present administration is doing in Washington. All the lies, alternative facts, etc — requests for “immunity” from the guy who said “those seeking immunity must have done something wrong.” He also is the author of “lock her up……” makes you proud, right?

    And, by the way, Alabama passed a very restrictive immigration law 2 years ago, and began a campaign of knocking on doors, ala a certain 1930’s country. It worked, and drove a lot of Hispanics out —- until the farmers in Alabama demanded an immediate repeal, because the good citizens of Alabama would not harvest the crops…..and lo and behold —- the state called the dogs off. You could report similar in several other states.

  11. You make an excellent point Peter the working class did vote in Gov. LePage and President Trump for these reasons. We are tired of feeding ourselves and everyone else ,because lets be honest if it weren’t for the working class the rich wouldn’t have theres either. Having multiple jobs I had to buy into ACA so not to pay a fine to the IRS. Now i pay a certain amount of the monthly premium and us taxpayers pick up the rest. The only way to get rid of socialized health care is to let what the great chief recommended and if people cant afford it and get sick then they die. People do it everyday anyway. The biggest reason I think so many whine about this issue is PEOPLE are afraid to die. Maybe socialized medicine will make us all live forever and noone will have to work again and the government can pay for all this with the magic money tree !!!!!

  12. Jay,

    Wow all the lib speak talking points in one statement and backed up with fake news to boot. You get the trifecta with the sudo nazi comparison. You could be in the running for the baldacci smoke award. He received that dubious distinction after running our state into the ground while telling everyone what a great job he was doing. The state is still screwed up because he was in office.

    Point of fact, everything you see on MSNBC isn’t neccesarly true. Reworking the Washington machine takes time and it’s not pretty. Expect more liberal screaming as President Trump advances his agenda. Governor Lepage is actually saving Maine taxpayers money. It’s obscene that Maine is a destination for welfare consumers because we all pay for the services they consume. Long term welfare support only enables continued welfare support, i.e. No one ever looks for work if they get a check for doing nothing. Even you should be opposed to the continued outflow of cash to anyone that shows up with their hand out. 15 dollars an hour means your goods will cost more and if you work in the hospitality sector you just lost your tips. Last time I checked, most resort work pays about ten bucks an hour. Get over 10 and your days are numbered. Ask anyone that ever worked at sugarloaf.

    Another fun fact for you. The last time I was in Somalia, they were shooting at us. A Mainer received the Medal of Honor because they killed him, he is buried in Maine. I take a dim view of the lines outside the welfare office in Portland and Lewiston giving away our money to the same folks that were trying to kill us. Maybe that’s just me. Have a good day and enjoy the weekend.

  13. Peter, your concerns about welfare recipients and the cost of education do have validity. And there is a link. With single payer health care from birth, resulting in early detection and prevention of disease, we may reasonably assume there would be far fewer folks in need of disability/welfare and the expense of an emergency room visits that taxpayers fund. As Chief mentioned, the worker, who like you, has been working since they were 17, making $8 an hour, trying to raise a family, but can’t afford health insurance, thus regular check ups, should that worker develop cancer they are essentially screwed. Who covers the cost of treatment? How does the family survive? Because we consider ourselves a “Christian” /compassionate nation our government provides just relief. Your taxes Peter. And here arises a moral question. Would you prefer your tax dollars going to help such a family or would you cop the attitude your comments suggest, “I got mine, sucks to be you”.? This person may believe in capitalism just as strongly as you do but wasn’t quite as lucky as you. Under other circumstances this person could be you. So it seems a choice here is between a healthier nation or richer insurance executives and sicker poor people (capitalism at it’s best?).

    One of the reasons education costs are so high has to do with the mental health crisis among the poorly educated. The cost of special ed. programming for one student could be as high as $50,000 per year for our district – if they have to be sent out of the school district for help. These costs could go on long term, or forever, and who pays then? If we don’t intervene or provide help at the right time (early) we potentially end up with these kids growing up into unhealthy adults, dependent on welfare for help.

    FYI: Even keeping out of control kids in the system costs a lot for the teacher aids and the special behavior programs. This is skyrocketing every year! Just read the school board meeting notes or go to a meeting. Parents with addiction and mental illness (yup – shouldn’t have kids, but do) have kids who are in today’s schools and to help them takes a lot of resources and expense.

    Putting your prejudice toward “socialism” aside, could you imagine that single a payer health care system, yes a government run program, just like the military, could ultimate cost you less in taxes and create a healthier and less government dependent society? It may even provide jobs for all those assumed “welfare slackers” .

  14. Hi Pete,

    Thanx for the well wishes for the weekend. Snow aside. How ’bout a case study today. We have, here today a 30 year old, 4th year medical student. Has an engineering degree, worked at Los Alamos National Lab, and then as a public school teacher, teaching physics, chemistry and biology. Had decided he wanted to go to med school and stashed away as much as possible to pay for it. Now developed an autoimmune disease called Askylonding Spondolosis, a rare cousin to MS. Potentially crippling, in fairly short order. Treatment with Embril retards its effects. You know, the stuff golfer Phil Micklelson advertises on tv (he of the $66 million annual income, and yet complains that his taxes are too high and he only is left with $40 M to spend each year). in our great health care system, Embril costs $36,000 a year — more than this teacher’s gross pay each year. “Obamacare” to the rescue. What other insurance company would touch the new med student with the need for Embril? And with zero income for the next four years, how would he pay for the crucial meds? By the way, this “welfare bum” took some of the stashed earnings and bought a small, 100 year old cabin to live in, and single handedly doubled its size and modernized it, in hopes of selling it when finished with med school to pay off loans. Engineering skills paid off. Presently commutes 100 miles a day to work in hospital as part of his education, at his own expense. Meanwhile, wife also enters med school, and the couple have a 3 year child. Thankfully, Obamacare has maintained his health and he will soon begin a modest paying residency. And, hopefully get health insurance with it.

    When this couple reaches the anticipated medicine career payday, you can bet they will understand that not all folks needing assistance are lazy bums on the dole. Even the Somalian ones who managed to escape that unfortunate place.

    This is a true story, my friend. The young man is a Mt. Blue graduate and my son. I don’t watch MSNBC, but I surely expect you get your info from Faux News on Fox. Your views on Lepage and Trump are so far off, your other motto must surely be: Don’t Confuse me with the Facts; my mind is already made up.

    You have a good weekend as well.

  15. My opinion is fast food ( I won’t name names ) is one of the unhealthiest things a person can do for their body.
    There are people that live off of this ” food “. Is it then my compassionate obligation to pay for their health care?
    Where do we draw the line? The mother of my wife’s grandchildren had 5 kids before the age of 25. She has never paid a medical bill in her life.
    Face it, the whole welfare/medical industry needs a reboot, not just patchwork. How can taxpayers keep up when the medical/pharma industry costs have no limits.
    I am with Jesse, I was forced to get a policy, forced by that policy to change my doctor. The doctors now have so much administration work that it minimizes the time for patients.
    And every year the taxpayers are told by the school systems that they need to pay more or they don’t care about the children and our future.
    Just because someone has health insurance doesn’t mean they can afford medical treatment, or that they will be healthy and make good choices.

  16. 5th Gen,

    So many purely social concerns, I’m not sure where to start. Christian, compassionate and ” sucks to be you”, excuse me for questioning your selective objection. You must missed the big picture. Socialism is a government model ours is not a socialist nation and it will never be. We live in a pay as you go model, You buy the milk and brad with money you earn. Medical care is not a cradle to grave right, it’s a service you buy. ever knowna doc or a hospital to take a pay cut? Franklin memorial was purchased by Maine Med. look and see what their CEOs And other execs get paid. They make money off the welfare system and they charge the daylights out of anyone with insurance. They are gouging both sides of the street in this deal. They make money.

    Education costs are off the chart because we allowed it to happen. Governor Lepage laid out the issue with overpaid management teams. We just don’t need the level of administration we currently support in the schools. Decreasing enrollment means consolidation and elimination of management positions. Special ed should be regionalized. The community modell of mental health support is both cost inefficient and it does damage to the normal kids trying to get a real education. Do you need kids in classes that are profoundly disabled, that require a tech to make sure they don’t swallow their tongue. This isn’t inclusion this is day care for the disabled at our expense. If your kids are behaviorally challenged, they need to be educated elsewhere, where the facility serves their needs and spares the normal kids the drama of them acting out on a daily basis. Think regional special schools. This is what Socialist countries like Sweden, do to address these issues.

    Lastly, the military is a controlled lifestyle. They own you from start to discharge. You don’t pick or chose, you just get in line. They drug test, they demand a physical standard that you will adhere to. Too fat, stop eating and you get PT ‘d to death. How many of the welfare folks do yo see out running or doing calisthenics in their free time. Got personal responsibility, no, but they still get the free ride.

    Bias is a leaning , predjuice however is an unsubstantiated position. I may be biased toward capitalism but this is our way, As an alleged 5th gen Mainer you should know this. Think your forefathers would support these unbridled spiraling costs? I think not. Be safe and Have a good weekend.

  17. I think that if the govt. would pay for a doctor’s education and then have that doctor work at lower wages than they get now, it would help. It costs a lot to make bombs and create new fighting machines. The reason doctors charge so much is because they are paying educational loans as well as malpractice insurance. So, it seems reasonable to me to eliminate those two expenses. The govt. can afford it, despite all their whining about being poor. They always seem to get enough money to spend on wars and on their own incomes. And if people could afford to pay cash for a doctor’s visit, the only insurance they would need is for medication and hospitalization. The insurance companies would have to lower premiums for hospitalization, since they aren’t paying the doctor’s visit or the medication

  18. I’m not sure that Republicans really have ever had any interest in a national health care delivery system and probably don’t now!

    Folks probably don’t (or some don’t want to!) remember Mitch McConnell on national TV saying in 2010 that way to make Obama a one term President was to defeat the ACA and we know how that turned out

    Folks who care (and more should be) about what goes on around them beyond labeling and name calling, need to have a much better grasp as to what’s going on ‘cuz whatever does happen will effect all of us

    Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer had a somewhat provocative column in the Washington Post a few days ago that sheds some light on what might be ahead


  19. Fantasic !!!! Mr. Miller, Marie, Mr. Davis, Trickett, Chief, Ruth, 5thgenme you’ve got it right. I disagree that what they propose is not socialism, because “socialism” is a genus term that refers to a family of government styles or approaches. The French have had many versions of this since the end of Napoleon. England, Denmark, communist China, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Canada, Venezuela, etc. etc. etc. have all developed their flavors of socialism. We owe a great debt to Marx, Engle’s, and others who have promoted it. It is such an attractive point of view. Just look at the remarks of all of those who have presented various sentiments reflective of socialist outlooks. Of course the United States is also (Halleluiah) a socialist state. The US has its own version. There are of course differences. We hang on to the free market system, for now for the money, till we figure out how to dispense with it and eradicate its unfairness.

    It is clear that we Americans must offer government charity to the less lucky, the incompetent, the slothful, the indigent, the mentally incompetent, social parasites, etc. Some say it isn’t charity if the government gives it, but so what. We are blessed that the Federal and State government will let loose its police power to take from those who have, the achievers and the lucky, to help assist the others. It is only fair and just for everyone to benefit equally from the success of our fellow citizens. As Obama said to Joe the Plumber “you didn’t build it.” It is SOCIAL JUSTICE. Everyone in Maine and the US should get the same amount of income and health care. The government should take away from those who have too much and share it equally. It is only fair.

    Some say Socialism doesn’t work. It fails in the long run. They point to the recent socialist utopia in Venezuela and the fact that people were starving in that utopia to the extent that the people in the capital city raided and ate the animals in the zoo, and the recent disclosure that the country was seriously short of drugs for their health system. All of this can be attributed to incompetent government conduct of their socialist efforts. The Soviet Union, a socialist state collapsed because they didn’t run it right. Our US government is less incompetent and will do it right. Think of how successful they are with the VA and the HIS. Everyone knows, regardless of Adam Smith, that the free market system and capitalism doesn’t work and is grossly unfair. Peter, Jesse, Billyjoebob, and Frumpleton are old fogies. Get with it you guys. Fairness and justice are right over the horizon!!! Three cheers for Mr. Webber.

    In Maine the government should take over lumbering, paper making, lobstering, ship building, publishing, shoemaking, the health care industry, etc. and share the money with everyone equally. It would be great. Obama, clearly a socialist, proposed and secured a great socialist advance in America with his Obamacare. I agree with Mr. Webber and the other fellow travelers I mentioned at the beginning of my remarks—–SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR ALL.

  20. Well, I can see my post provoked a lively discussion. A few comments on the comments. Health care is not a right. I don’t see it anywhere in the constitution but it is something that benefits society as a whole.
    If you don’t have coverage or inadequate coverage(many people don’t know what they have until the use it and then find they have a $5000 deductible} and you get sick with a serious condition it is a one way trip to bankruptcy court.
    Many people avoid getting treatment when they first get sick and then present with a condition that is much more difficult to treat costing them and society more. Fear of the illness plays a part but also fear of the bill.
    There are always some people who game the system. If you are going to feed the birds you’ll also get a few squirrels..If you know someone who is cheating turn them in. After all, it is a crime. In my experience, though, it is often hard to tell by looking at person what their disabling condition is.
    People who have a serious illness that requires on going expensive treatment often stay on disability when they get better because they can not get insurance if they were to go to work and they fear that their illness will return.
    I don’t care much about labels like socialism or capitalism, I care about what works-provides the greatest benefit at the least cost.
    Rich people don’t care about health care very much because they can afford to pay whatever it costs or travel to a country where the cost is much less.

  21. Thank you Vanceboro, that was really funny to read. It made me laugh.
    You are correct that I am an old fogie, but don’t let the 8th grade education fool you.

  22. Vance,

    You got it right on socialsm sir. You can never take from the earners and give to the sloths in the name of fairness and equality because it just doesent work, never has and never will. After we raise a few more generations of welfare nation they will all expect a salery just for breathing. Did you ever wonder why the Central Americans flood into California, because it’s a free ride in the big PX courtesy of us the taxpayers. Our liberal pols in Maine can’t help themselves they have to keep giving our tax money away. Drive around Lewiston and Portland sometime you can see the problem and it gets worse every year. I don’t want this future for Maine we deserve better. It going to take average folks like us to just say no to all the wasteful spending and tax increases. Have a good weekend.

  23. I agree with Peter.. get an education get a job and pay your way. Simple as that..

  24. I work with people making 6 figures saying they can’t afford insurance??? But they are at the bar every weekend!! Choices folks, you either want healthcare or you don’t but it should not be an entitlement and expect it for free.

  25. $8.00/hour is a choice. And how you LIVE on $8.00/hour is your CHOICE. Stop trying to keep up with the broke Jones’s. Work hard and LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS. Healthcare is a disaster and the insurance companies are just highway robbers. However insurance is not constitutional nor a American right to be provided with. Don’t like it run for office and quit complaining.

  26. Anybody who thinks government can do anything wright is out of there minds. Everyone agrees our healthcare is a mess…guess who created that? And you want to give them more control. No program can work for everyone across the board. All I know is this….as time goes on thing get worse. Our talking heads are just that. Until we get rid of the 2 parties nothing will ever get done. All you have to do is google the word deadlock and you will see what our real problem is. ABOLISH THE 2 PARTIES

  27. Tim,

    I believe you will get part of your wish. The Dems have self destructed, they are essentially a total loss at this point in time. The GOP has issues but they managed to take a majority percentage of the governorships across the country as well as both houses and the Presidency. The Dems are effectively dead in the water, their leading candidate is a joke and their ex prez is rambling to garner some kind of support in a political town that has abandoned him. He oversaw the greatest loss in the history of great loses. He as no leadership credentials left to hawk. Maine flounders because the Dems in Augusta cannot act without tact approval from their liberal handleres. We can’t fix our roads and bridges yet some in Augusta think we should support drug addicts because after all they are just innocent victims, right. If you believe that malarkey, I have a bridge for sale you might be interested in. For Maine to prosper we have to reduce taxes, eliminate the income tax and attract business. New Hampshire is not an anomaly, this is how you do it. We need to make welfare unattractive and short lived. Feed the animals and what do you get, more looking for a hand out. Don’t make crime attractive either. Possession of heroin is a felony, sale of heroin should should be a murder charge punishable by life. Enough of the slap on the wrists sentences. If Maine will not prosecute and hand out stiff sentences the US attorneys will. These are a few of the ways we can fix this mess. Take heed because America is changing and President Trump wasent elected by accident.

  28. Peter,
    I agree with you 100%. I hope the Dems do die out. They are simply the opposition party. No republican Idea is good enough. BTW in years past it’s been the reverse but the Repubs just weren’t as vicious about it. I’m counting on the dems being in power again. My point is it doesn’t matter the republicans will become the opposition party and still nothing will change. I feel like Lepage has done a lot of good things just as I feel Trump has an opportunity to do good thing as well. Draining the swamp for example…on both sides of the aisle. I think pure partisanship is driven by lobbying and it should be illegal. I don’t care which party left standing. In my world there is only one party “the legal citizens of the United States of America party”. Just imagine what could get done if we did not display and R or D after our names. Common sense could rule again.
    Abolish the 2 parties and lobbying!

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