Letter to the Editor: King, not Collins, correct on pipeline vote

1 min read

Senator Collins, in spite of her folksie political advertisements about her love for the environment, voted yesterday with corporate interests over the interests of the people of Maine and its coast line in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline. Senator King being more true to Maine’s interests voted against the pipeline and for that I commend him.

Ed Miller

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  1. Pipeline or by rail car…that’s the choice. I am sure our neighbor across the boarder who’s town and lake were impacted..agrees completely with your opinion. Bring on the pipe lines…Oil and gas.

  2. Ed

    “Congress is not – nor should it be – in the business of legislating the approval or disapproval of a construction project,” King said

    He never stated anything about environmental concerns or jobs for that matter.

    King doesn’t care about the coast line of Maine, or our mountain views, for that matter. He has put himself in a position to be an outcast in the senate for the remainder of his term.

    If the above statement from King is really true, he will be voting against every transportation bill.

    I’m willing to bet King is not familiar with article I section 8.

    Remember this gem.

  3. The only interest King has is himself, voting no on Keystone, saying Government has no role in deciding construction projects is funny coming from one who used his political connections to secure hundreds of millions in Government (taxpayer) loans in order to construct his wind turbines. his true character was exposed when with “finger in the wind” he dumped Cutler in order to support fellow Democrat Michaud. In my opinion, he ‘s a opportunist placing his future ahead of what is best for Maine

  4. Just like the Windmills, we’ll never see a benefit if/when it goes through. It’s time to start working within our country again.

  5. The only reason KING voted against it is because it may take something away from his Windmill investments. It wasn’t because he was worried about Maine or the people in it….

  6. The president owes King a big favor for blocking the pipeline. Now Obama doesn’t have to veto anything to pander to his enviro-buddies. Angus will collect, but it won’t be worth it in the long run.

    When this comes up again, perhaps as early as January, the result will be different, King or no King. Obama’s best bet would be to sign it and make sure everyone knows he has “compromised” with the new Congress. If he vetoes, the entire country will know who owns the issue, and there’s an even bigger peril.

    The recent Senate vote was 45 R’s + 14 D’s = 59. After Landrieu loses the runoff in Louisiana and the new Senate takes their seats, there will be 53 R’s. If the same number of D’s show some sanity, that’s 67 votes, enough to override a veto. If the House shows similar backbone … so much for the legacy.

  7. Angus King is a turn coat.
    He’s proven how wishy washy he is by flip flopping his endorsements every time the wind shifted.
    Speaking of wind, He got in bed with wind contractors,,,took a bunch of taxpayers money,, then the ugly things can’t turn a profit on their own (there went our money).
    HE is as far from independent as anyone can get..
    No credibility.

  8. The King bumper stickers are being rubbed off faster than Obama’s. He showed his true colors when his support was switched to Michaud and now this. Sadly we’re stuck with this guy for awhile.

  9. They put blinders on horses so they will “focus” on what people want them focused on..
    Kind of like politicians try to do with us,,,”spin”.

    King is demonstrating that fact that he is not independant.
    It’s getting hard to trust him.And thats disappointing.
    I’m a registered Independant voter.

    My guess is he’ll change his stance once he believes it’s in his best interest to do so.
    More of the Same.

  10. KIng is not the problem, it’s the misguided notion that the Keystone XL pipeline will benefit this country, a large number of unemployed, or that it will be of no environmental consequence.

  11. Very disappointed in Sen. King for this. As if congress had no in the business of legislating the approval or disapproval of the Hoover Dam and thousands of federal highway and bridges projects.

  12. King had NO PROBLEM with Gov Involvement “handouts” to help HIS Windmill CONSTRUCTION Projects.

    And his supporters on here act like corruption is only possible in the oil industry…
    They have the wind blowing thru their heads if they think King is being honest.

    “Guided” where King is sending them.

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