Letter to the Editor: NECAC is David and Goliath story

2 mins read

I want to express my concern over CMP’s planned devastation of a Northern Maine. This is a “David and Goliath” story. This is the concrete jungle versus the natural forest.

Goliath in this story is Central Maine Power and their proponents. They plan to ruin the beauty of Maine in order to provide power to Massachusetts. Gov Lepage has been quoted as saying he would “push this through.” They are pushing a new power corridor from Canada to West Forks. Their proposal is not good for Maine! It is a myriad of falsehoods, half truths, misrepresentations and obvious omissions to try to convince rate payers that this is good for their communities. Goliath will stop at nothing to railroad rural Maine.

David in this story, are the small fragile communities that appear powerless to stop this power grab of wilderness. People come north to get away from the concrete jungle and relax in a real forest. These towns depend on tourism for their existence. It is possible that some of these communities will not survive a new power corridor and the hundreds of windmills that will follow. Northern Maine is “the way life should be” and we cannot afford to be swallowed up by concrete and steel.

The end of this story is not yet told. Will David be able to stay the giant? They say “you can’t fight city hall” and “money talks” but maybe, this time, the little guy will win!

Rev. Deke Sawyer

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  1. I want forests and trees.
    NOT wind turbines and transmission lines.

    That’s why I have started in the place of my birth,,MAINE.

  2. ….It is time to get angry and put one foot in front of the other..stop waiting for someone else to pick up the torch…It is happening because “Money talks and BS walks”…..In Maine the ‘forest’ are the streets we live on…Protect your street.

  3. What about all the windfarms installed in MA over the past ten years? This was supposed to make electricity prices go down. They ruined horseshoe shoals off of Cape Cod and devastated the environment with these windmills and the rates continue to go up! These large corporations care little of the economic or environmental impacts of these projects. Then they try to claim that they are saving the planet with their pseudoscience. Manmade “climate change” is a huge fraud perpetrated by government backed large corporations to seize control of large sections of our economy and all of the predictions and models have been 100% wrong. Oh but don’t worry, CMP and the state of Massachusetts love you. Unfortunately there is nothing Mainers can do because there are to many flatlanders living here now that have changed Maine culture to the point were we might as well give up and go back to being part of the Massachusetts Bay Colonies paying into a Monarchy government.

  4. Mike…I have been wondering what the 97% of the world’s scientist who say climate change is due to the humans burning fossil fuels all these years was getting out of it. Thanks for clarifying that. Sean Hannity really knows his stuff. Perhaps you should check out this website of NASA.


    I think NASA really knows their stuff…. more so than Hannity and politicians backed by the fossil fuel industry.

  5. Lindy,.
    You HONESTLY believe scientists aren’t paid off also,???
    Psst,. They most certainly are.
    Who you gonna believe?
    Pick your poison.

    I know my stuff!!! Lol.
    I believe what I see.
    I see ugly wind turbines along “formerly beautiful” mountain ridges
    I value the view and I don’t apologize for my value system.
    The turbines have an adverse effect on the things I value.
    Those things just piss me off in so many ways.
    I want them gone.
    This is what I know.

  6. There’s your problem,Lindy! You should be listening to noted scientist Rush Limburger. Best science money can buy!

  7. to IKMYS…..Rather than the windmills would you prefer a coal fired power plant there instead? We’ve got to have energy and we can’t keep burning fossil fuels for more reason than one. One day there will not be any left and that day is not that far in the future. Then will windmills be okay? Why not switch to clean energy now and maybe put the brakes on global warming.

    Is it the 97% of the world’s scientists concerned about climate change that are on the take, or is it the 3% that are denying it?

  8. I’d rather see windmills then send our young men and women to fight another war over oil, which we certainly do in the future if we don’t get off our fossil fuel addiction. I’d rather look at one everyday out my back field knowing that it’s not contributing to global warming or causing a war as we are forced to fight over finite fossil fuels in the future. Don’t ignore the health and environmental impacts of fracking, which has caused the price of oil to drop. Those costs will need to be paid in full in the future as people are affected by the chemicals injected into the ground to get formerly unprofitable oil out of abandoned oil fields. Once that becomes obvious oil, gas and coal will skyrocket in price. We need remewables now to protect our future.
    “Scenic, precious mountains”? Go to Europe and see how they do wind power and still have amazing scenery and rely much less on fossil fuel. Go ahead and deny global warming, and maybe continue to believe the world is flat. I know many good friends who are also scientists, like myself, and they have never gotten a dime for their research and resultant knowledge that we are speeding up the warming of our world. To say that they are bought off is simply ludicrous, and tin-hat worthy. Scientists are seriously skeptical about any idea by their very nature yet virtually all of them come to the same conclusion. Deny it if you will, and doubt the Holocaust happened as well. Both are real and can’t be disputed by any serious look at the data or real facts.
    We are seeing warming at a rate faster than anything revealed by geologists and climate researchers in the past, and the increasing reliance on fossil fuels is the “crack” that we are addicted to that is causing this. It’s got to stop. Renewable resources are the way to go, which the rest of the world has figured out. Even China is making great strides, and Europe has left us choking on coal dust. It was no fun watching young men and women I knew going off to fight a war over oil, but rest assured as we run out we will fight others for the remaining resources.
    With that said, Maine is getting a poor deal on the power line, much less offered than what Vermont and New Hampshire turned down. Since those options were off the table it should have put us in a better bargaining position, as we were the last route south. Kind of had the market cornered, since the Canadians had already built the generation capability yet had no way else to get it to market. We should insist on much more money, and force much of the line, at least where it’s environmentally or otherwise sensitive, to be buried like the HT lines in Europe. I wonder what our soon to be gone governor got out of the deal? More than you and me, I bet!
    What drives me nuts is nobody complains about the ugly power lines we have in this country (they don’t exist in Europe!), or the cell tower so their smartphone works, yet they get the vapors when a windmill goes up. The same people complain about solar installations as well. We need clean energy, not coal, oil or “natural” gas, which is just another form of the same drug we’ve been addicted to. It’s time to stop our addiction or our future generations will have nothing “scenic” to look at, when most of our coast is under water.

  9. Lindy,,
    You picked your poison. I have picked mine.
    You pick your facts, I pick mine.
    Fact is, I hate them.

    Those turbines have just at many draw backs as anything else (already,), but you speak “as if” they won’t just be left “as is” once they won’t turn anymore (not too far into the future).
    These for profit companies will run away, leaving the useless things for our viewing pleasure for decades after they are not profitable or functional anymore.

    Once the land “scape” is gone,,, it’s like really really gone.
    So No, they are not fine now or any time.

  10. Follow the money people. Large corporations like Exxon, British Petroleum, General Electric and other major polluters have pumped billions of dollars into the “Green” movement for decades. That should tell you everything you need to know about “global warming”. The more global warming you can prove, the more money in grants you get. Out of those 97% of so called scientists, only about 12 % are dedicated climatologist. Most of those scientists are not even experts or did very little research in the field of Earth’s climate. Many research has been compromised and numbers fudged or manipulated to effect conclusions. What we should do is harness the unlimited free energy emitting from Einstein’s body rolling in his grave! Real scientific prosses is long dead. All you have now is false doctrine dictated from the church of money. Don’t preach to me about your false religion and show your obvious blind faith in a large Ponzi scheme. Rush and Sean are clowns but please next time stay on point. Remember this headline ” 97% of the worlds scientists believe the world is flat and the sun revolves around the Earth witch is held up by pillars because the church said so!” The more things change the more they stay the same.

  11. Scientists “report” their findings based on “data”.

    The problem with “data” is that it gets “massaged”…..
    Data is routinely manipulated to accomplish a certain result.
    Often, the folks funding the research “let it be known” they want a certain result to “continue” paying the bills for the “research”.
    This is the way it is.

    And you criticize the talking heads who are doing the same thing,,,
    Everybody is doing it.

    Mike is right (follow the money).
    I’m not saying all scientists are on the take but neither is the other side.
    So climb down off your scientific high horse and look around.

    If you don’t value the beauty of the land scape that’s your choice.

    While you’re busy saving the planet (good luck), can you leave at least ONE mountain ridge alone?
    Build the next Maine Yankee.
    Let’s quit fooling around do something that actually works.

    Or keep massaging that data.
    Pick your poison.

  12. It is disheartening that so many believe conspiracy theorists and blowhard politicians over our own scientists and science institutions. I am amazed at some of the far out things that have been stated? How did you come to believe those kinds of claims and dismiss the information on the NASA and NOAA sites that comes with logical explanations, long-term supporting data, actual photographs in some cases, and consensus by an overwhelming majority of scientists across the world?

  13. This has NOTHING to do with wind !!! Which by the way are not sustainable nor cheap !!!! This has to do with hydro power which is “green” . The problem is the state of Maine is getting shafted by CMP to accommodate Massachusetts. Why not offer us the same deal as New Hampshire ? Why don’t we get a vote on it and have it be by the towns and townships that will actually get affected by the lines. We don’t need to have people from other areas of the state having a say on what happens in OUR woods. This also has NOTHING to do with global warming as much as liberals would you to believe!!

  14. Nuclear Power.
    That’s the answer.
    Time to quit fooling around and do something that works..
    Nuclear Power Works.

  15. Well Lindy maybe you should stop thinking with your heart. You yourself claim that the 3% of opposition are possibly on the take so it is ok to assume a “conspiracy theory” when it’s not the group you support? This a another example of why the global warming narrative is failing. Stop high jacking real environmentalism with your pseudoscience. It’s too easy to lure the global warming crowd out of the weeds and destroy you in a debate, so in typical fashion you turn it into virtue signaling using the same tired old phrases. Comparing scientists that oppose the global warming scam to holocaust deniers is always real classy. You do you have to say about the observations that concluded that carbon levels rise AFTER Earth’s temps rise, with a three to four hundred year lapse? How about when you lay the sun temp timeline and Earth’s temp timeline, it’s a perfect match? I bet you have nothing to dispute this since you really haven’t disputed anything so far. Move on made the only statement that made any sense when he/she said we should stay out of wars. Everything else from these fake environmentalist’s comments are just too predictable. You lose!!! Get used to it.

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