Letter to the Editor: Say NO to NECEC says that the CMP corridor is not a done deal

2 mins read

With yesterday’s announcement of the Army Corps permit being granted for the CMP corridor, people have been asking if it’s final now.

NO, IT’S NOT A DONE DEAL – and here’s why:
1). Army Corps permit is under Federal appeal by Sierra Club and NRCM because they only conducted an Environmental Assessment (EA), instead of a thorough Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) like in NH and VT.
2). The Department of Energy (Presidential Permit) has not yet been granted.
3). We, and our intervenor partners, are engaged in an appeal at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.
4). There is a lawsuit challenging the legality of the public lands lease that CMP illegally obtained without the 2/3 approval of the Maine Legislature.
5). CMP has not obtained dozens of municipal permits. Four towns have ordinances against this project.
6). WE have this referendum effort to complete, which has retroactive clauses so if CMP decides to start work on the corridor, that would be a huge financial risk for their shareholders. It’s up to us to bust this signature drive into full gear! We got 23,000 signatures on Election Day but we need to keep up this momentum.

Here’s what you can do:
A. Email us at stopnecec@gmail.com to get involved to help collect signatures, even if it’s just your friend and family group. Make a personal commitment to get 30 signatures and turn them in.
B. Go here to find signature locations for the petition:
C. Write a letter to the editor stating why you oppose the corridor and that Mainers should help us get this on the ballot so they have a say on this project.

Sandi Howard
Director, Say NO to NECEC

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